Bioresonance & magnetic field therapy
Using bioresonance & magnetic field therapy we help to modify and correct energy patterns allowing the body to return to its natural healthy state.
Magnetic field
The human organism is all the time affected by the magnetic field from the earth. Biophysical forces have direct and indirect impacts on our organs and cells.
The Physical Vascular Therapy improves microcirculation and promotes the blood flow in the smallest blood vessels. This improves the performance of the body's cells, which in turn favours the body’s own self-healing powers. This happens without any sideeffects,. Additionally, energy for mental and physical performance is supplied by the treatment, which leads to an improvement in general well-being. The promoted blood flow will also support the effect of any medication, physiotherapy, massage, etc.Bioresonance & Radionic
Our body is dependent from the performance of our cells and organs.
The more energy we have for our cells, the better we feel. If we face diseases, a general non-wellbeing or mental stress this is not the case. With the bioresonance treatment electrical signals are transmitted through the electrodes in order to clear blockages in the body’s natural flow of energy. The self-healing abilities raise and as a result we feel balanced and healthy again.THIS IS NOT ALL
More good reasons and results

More energy
To be aglow from inside.Your body is full of power and energy, which you can use effective and efficient.

The treatment is without pain and non-invasive. It feels more like a visit in the SPA.

Additional benefits
All offered treatments can positively support your doctor's medication.
Order your magnetic field for your home

I have founded Nora von Big Bird to help with my knowledge, experience and conviction.
*Genießen Sie jetzt unsere neuen Preise mit Zeitstaffelung bei der Bioresonanz/Radionik!
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